Latest Technology in Website Marketing

SEM stands for Search Engine Marketing. People use it to bring more visits to a web page. For my CAP 105 class, I was assigned to come up with five words or phrases I thought people would search for when looking for my blog.

Heres what I came up with:

  1. Advertising…….. 135,000
  2. Technology………301,000
  3. “Final Cut”………60,500
  4. “How To”…………550,000
  5. GVSU………………60,500

With this list I used Google Keyword Tool to see how frequently these terms were searched. The numbers listed above are the  number of times per month (averaged from the last twelve months) that the term is searched. Below is a graph of the same findings of all the words combined.

Screen Shot 2016-03-02 at 3.14.00 PM.png
Karwoski, O., (2 March 2016), Graph 1., [Screenshot]
These terms are all pretty broad. The next step of this assignment was to use Google Keyword Tool to find five alternative words that may work better for helping people get you my blog.

Heres what I found:

  1. “Website Advertising”….. 10,560
  2. “Cut 7” …………………….. 13,030
  3. “Latest Technology” ……..21,800
  4. “GVSU Allendale”………… 240
  5. Marketing…………………… 748,170

If I wanted to try and bring more traffic to my blog, I could incorporated some of theses alternative keywords. I could say that “I attended school at GVSU Allendale, but that there is also a campus in downtown GR”. Or “In my CAP 105 we are learning about the latest technology used in advertising.” “For this project, we learned how to use Final Cut 7.” “Because of today’s technological advances, website advertising now plays a huge part in advertising.” And finally, “Advertising and marketing are closely related.”

I found this project very interesting and can see how using software like this would be helpful in getting your website more views.